AI for professionals

by Clement Levallois

Resources to use generative AI in a professional context

Slide decks, blog posts and other resources for professionals and business students.

Designed by Clement Levallois, Associate Professor at emlyon business school.

This content is licensed under CC BY 4.0, with cited or linked content subject to their respective licenses.

abstract motive

1. The meaning of ChatGPT and generative AI

2. Slide decks on AI for professionals

with speaker notes πŸ‘¨β€πŸ«: these notes are visible when you open the slides from a laptop, not on mobile.

3. Train in gen AI: techniques & cases

Key people to follow

For your convenience, all these profiles are gathered in this list on Twitter / X. Just follow the list to follow all the profiles.
Twitter remains a forum where all (but 3) of the persons listed below post or cross-post frequently. Yet, I fully acknowledge that some or many of them do not wish to associate with Twitter. For this reason for each profile, clicking on their portrait leads to another meaningful site or platform.

Discover other resources: my blog,, thesis methodology, tutorials for gephi, umibench.